TUM Graduate Council
Technical University of Munich

TUMblue 2024

By | Event

Join us for the TUM Doctoral Day & TUMblue on 27 September 2024! Attention all TUM doctoral candidates! Get ready for an entire day and night dedicated to YOU. On 27 September, the TUM campus Garching-Forschungszentrum will host the very first university-wide TUM Doctoral Day – brought to you by the TUM Graduate School – followed by the TUM Graduate Council’s legendary TUMblue networking event in the evening.

Event Highlights:

– Day: Compact workshops, inspiring keynote, and panel discussion.

– Night: TUMblue (6:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.) featuring live music, DJ sets, free food & drinks, and much more!

Special Features:

Science Communication Competition: Showcase your research in a fun and creative way and win an exclusive prize worth over 100 Euros! Exclusive U-Bahn Service: Get home safely with our special 3:06 a.m. service to Sendlinger Tor. Don’t Miss Out! Be among the first 1,000 attendees to receive a free food voucher.

Register now and let your research glow at TUMblue 2024 via DocGS

TUM Blue 2024 is coming

By | TUM GC Event

The Working Group TUM Blue started to plan and organize this years main event for dorctoral candidates at TUM on September 27th. You can look forward to a fantastic night of partying and networking including DJs, Bands, Foodtrucks, Bars and so much more. If you are interested in becoming part of our team and make this event happen togehther, you are always very welcome to join us.

Meeting WG TUM Blue 12.06.2024

Statement and Ideas for the Excellence Initiative

By | TUM Graduate Council

What is the Doctoral Candidates’ vision of pursuing a doctorate at TUM? Last Thursday, The Speakers had the opportunity to present this vision to president Hofmann on behalf of the TUM Graduate Council. It was a warm and fruitful discussion which not only proved the president’s support for our concerns but also provided us with some valuable background information. We are looking forward to seeing some of our ideas implemented – ideally as part of TUM’s Excellence Strategy.

Our statement’s three main points include:

👩‍🏫 Excellent Supervision … highlighting that the perceived quality of supervision differs substantially among doctoral candidates. Actions are required to make supervision at TUM even better and assure its quality.

📑 Funding and Woring Conditions … pointing out that the current state of compensation for doctoral candidates is complicated and opens up pathways for abuse. Actions are required to ensure that doctoral candidates can make a living in Munich.

🎙Colloquia for Doctoral Candidates … presenting doctoral projects to a TUM-wide audience of doctoral candidates, receiving diverse peer feedback, thereby facilitating interdisciplinary research and collaborations, and shaping a global mindset for future employment.

A huge thank you to our TUM Graduate Council members for working so hard on this statement!!!

Call for Nominations: Supervisory Award 2024

By | TUM Supervisory Award
Präsident Thomas Hofmann & 2023 Winner Prof. Dr. Jens Foerderer; Foto: Andreas Heddergott/TUM

In 2024, the TUM Supervisory Award will be awarded for the seventh consecutive year. All doctoral candidates who are currently members of the TUM Graduate School and all alumni who left the TUM Graduate School during the previous year are called to nominate their outstanding supervisor until March 31th, 2024. As part of the TUM Supervisory Award a prize money of 5,000€, funded by the Bund der Freunde der TUM e.V. will be awarded to the winning supervisor. The supervisor must spend the prize money for the benefit their doctoral candidates according to the public budget law e.g. by organizing workshops, supporting research stays abroad, buying relevant software or updating the chair’s library. This is your chance to help honor outstanding supervision and to motivate all supervisors to strain themselves to become even better. To nominate your supervisor, you and up to 2 of your fellow doctoral candidates need to fill out the nomination form found here!

Meeting with TUM President Thomas Hofmann

By | TUM Graduate Council
Graduate Council Speakers with Präsident Thomas Hofmann; Foto: Andreas Heddergott /TUM

How can TUM future-proof itself as an attractive and innovative choice for pursuing a doctorate among global top universities? What is your vision for the next decade? – some big questions asked by TUM president Prof. Thomas Hofmann in our first meeting. Big questions that we will make sure to carry back home to the TUM Graduate Council to collect some rich feedback by July 2024.

As newly elected speakers of the TUM Graduate Council, Leon Chryssos and Stuart Daniel James were introduced to Prof. Hofmann by their predecessors Anna Christina Jäkel and Ayesha Müller-Wolfertshofer. As first speaker Stuart will represent all doctoral candidates at the TUM Senate and TUM Board of Trustees for the coming year. Leon will take on a formative role at TUM Graduate School meetings as second speaker.

107th Graduate Council Meeting & Christmas Party

By | TUM GC Meeting

The 107th Meeting of the TUM Graduate Council was held on the 7th of December in the Building of the TUM Graduate School Management Office in Garching, followed by a Christmas Party. The meeting changed from in-peron to a hybrid format because of the strike announced for the same evening. We began with an introduction about the Graduate School by Zizheng Zhang, the Deputy Managing Director of the GS, who also used the opportunity to thank the current GC Speakers – Anna Christina Jäkel and Ayesha Müller-Wolfertshofer – for their term in office. Anna and Ayesha then presented the report for their work in 2023, were discharged from their positions, and the new Speakers for 2024 were elected. We would like to congratulate Stuart Daniel James and Leon Chryssos for being elected to the positions of first and second speaker respectively. The TUM GC Christmas party then commenced, which included the prize distribution for the TUMblue 2023 photography competition and the distribution of certificates to associate members.

TUMblue 2023

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TUMblue 2023 was a huge success. We had over 750 registrations!

We are delighted about the resonance of TUMblue 2023. A big thanks to everyone who was part of this sensational night!

Looking forward to the next time

Photo credit: Ayesha Mueller-Wolfertshofer

105th Graduate Council Meeting

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The 105th meeting of the TUM Graduate Council took place on the 27th of July in the Senatssaal of the Main Campus. It was the last meeting of the term before the doctoral representatives’ elections in 2023. This in-person meeting was an excellent opportunity to discuss current issues and say farewell to those who will no longer be part of the Graduate Council in the upcoming term. We also welcomed five new associate members to our team: Sankalp Choudhuri and Jawad Tahir in WG PromVerBund as well as Vladimir Shitov, Vanessa Bolivar, and Ashish Mangalore in WG TUMblue.

Meeting with President Hofmann

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The speakers of the Graduate Council, Anna and Ayesha, had a pleasant and productive meeting with president Hofmann on June 1st to discuss the concerns of doctoral candidates at TUM. To be able to do justice to all the problems and possibilities available, we ask all doctoral candidates to get in touch with the representatives of their schools, or if necessary, the Speakers directly. You are also invited to join the meetings of the Graduate Council to get informed about current proceedings: https://gc.gs.tum.de/

Photo Credits in the post: Ulrich Benz

Die Sprecher des TUM Graduate Council Anna Jaekel und Ayesha Mueller-Wolfertshofer bei Praesidenten Prof. Thomas Hofmann ; abgebildete Personen(v.l.n.r.): Ayesha Mueller-Wolfertshofer ; Prof. Thomas Hofmann ; Anna Jaekel ;Copyright: Uli Benz / TUM
Die Sprecher des TUM Graduate Council Anna Jaekel und Ayesha Mueller-Wolfertshofer bei Praesidenten Prof. Thomas Hofmann ; abgebildete Personen(v.l.n.r.): Anna Jaekel ; Prof. Thomas Hofmann ; Ayesha Mueller-Wolfertshofer ; Copyright: Uli Benz / TUM ;

103rd Graduate Council Meeting

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The 103rd Meeting of the TUM Graduate Council took place on the 20th April 2023. Meetings take place almost every month, once in-person and once online according to the circumstances. These meetings are very helpful in discussing all the issues that face Ph.D. candidates during their studies from every graduate center reported by their representatives, also submitting reports from all working groups within the graduate council.
Our next meeting (104th) will take place on May 31st, 2023.
As always, all doctoral candidates from all Graduate Centers and other members of the TUM family are more than welcome to join the meeting!