N2 Survey from 2021
The TUM Graduate Council ran a joint survey with N2 to aim at providing a clear picture of the situation of doctoral candidates at a large university and in Germany‘s non-university research organizations.
This includes information on demographics, working conditions, the quality of their supervision, caring responsibilities, experience with power abuse and discrimination, mental health and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The list of questions asked can be found here.
In October and November 2021, all doctoral candidates at TUM could take part and voluntarily answer the questions. The survey was advertised via emailing lists of the doctoral candiadates of each School (Former department) at TUM by the corresponding doctoral repesentatives. An overview of their answers (where statistically significant), can be found in the report here.
Our partner N2, the network of networks, where the survey was run in parallel, combines the doctoral representative bodies of Helmholtz, Leibnitz and Max Planck Association as well as the IPP Mainz.