In 2024, the TUM Supervisory Award will be awarded for the seventh consecutive year. All doctoral candidates who are currently members of the TUM Graduate School and all alumni who left the TUM Graduate School during the previous year are called to nominate their outstanding supervisor until March 31th, 2024. As part of the TUM Supervisory Award a prize money of 5,000€, funded by the Bund der Freunde der TUM e.V. will be awarded to the winning supervisor. The supervisor must spend the prize money for the benefit their doctoral candidates according to the public budget law e.g. by organizing workshops, supporting research stays abroad, buying relevant software or updating the chair’s library. This is your chance to help honor outstanding supervision and to motivate all supervisors to strain themselves to become even better. To nominate your supervisor, you and up to 2 of your fellow doctoral candidates need to fill out the nomination form found here!