Position Paper of the Landesnetzwerks der Promovierendenvertretungen in Bayern (LaProBay) about the Bavarian Higher Education Act
In 2020, doctoral representatives in Bavaria started exchanging ideas on matters concerning doctoral candidates and on how to build representative structures across the state. Since then, a network of universities with regular meetings was established: the Landesnetzwerk der Promovierendenvertretungen in Bayern, with members from the universities in Bayreuth, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Munich (TU), Regensburg and Würzburg.
In this position paper presented to the Ministry of Science and Art, LaProBay focuses on the doctoral-related topics of the Bavarian Higher Education Act. LaProBay calls for:
1. legal anchoring of the doctoral representations and their inclusion into the existing status groups.
2. promotion of young researchers and plannable career paths
3. participation of doctoral candidates in the development of rules on teaching load
4. framework conditions for doctorates at or in cooperation with universities of applied sciences (HAWs)
Please find the joint paper in our “Positions” section.